The Dynamics of Conscious Man
Paths of knowledge...
... in life paths
An Anthology of Wisdom - Love is the Way
Anne-Marie LAPAIRE
AETHER Editions
Since the spring of 2003, Anne-Marie Lapaire's readings have become a quarterly column which has enabled readers of the magazine "Univers SPIRALE" to discover the essence of the books read, forgotten and rediscovered, new books, which , all of them have nourished the author and opened up new paths of knowledge.
"They brought me a new understanding of life and I was happy to share them with the readers of the magazine Univers SPIRALE, she writes. Because books nourish the inner being, which receives and shares with the author, in silent moments of communion of soul, what he received and wanted to share with his readers.
This book brings together these 14 years of regular chronicles, hoping that their reading or rereading will be a source of light, knowledge, comfort and hope, in order to transmute our existential anguish which paralyzes us, into an energy which gives meaning. to life, to our life, uplifts and sets us free, in peace of heart and mind, in the Truth of Unity and Love".
Paths of knowledge...
... in life paths II
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Anne-Marie LAPAIRE
AETHER Editions
After a first book bringing together articles published until 2017, we are publishing, in partnership with AETHER editions, 16 new chronicles from 2018 to 2021 (numbers 91 to 106).
"All the books that sleep on the shelves of bookstores and libraries are "transmitters" of emotions, knowledge, lived experiences and sometimes revelations, writes the author. They illuminate the path of the pilgrim in his return to the Source."