The Dynamics of Conscious Man
Special issue N°27

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- Editorial
An infernal virus
- Mass hypnosis
- “Channeling” consciences is the key!
- The rape of conscience
- Social engineering and “invisible” government
- The “Covidian Sect”
Nouvelle normalité idéologique _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
- Digital Identity Wallet
A totalitarian nightmare
- Conditioning and dehumanization
“Gaps” in the human mind
-The ten strategies of mass manipulation
War declared on humanity
- Talk and read... in the head from a distance!
A world where everything is only virtual
-Emotional and demonic grip
The occult forces at work
-Trauma and split personality
The “hard core” of a child criminal elite
MK-ULTRA: a large-scale program!